Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. —Romans 12:2
It can be quite discouraging for wanna-be writers to get their work rejected time after time. When they send in a manuscript to a publisher, they’ll often hear back in a letter with these words: “Thank you. But your submission does not meet our needs at this time.” Sometimes this really means “not at this time—or ever.” So they try the next publisher and the next.
I’ve found that the phrase This does not meet our needs at this time—or ever can be a helpful saying in my Christian walk to renew my mind and refocus my thoughts on the Lord.
Here’s what I mean. When starting to worry, we can remind ourselves: “Worry does not meet my needs at this time—or ever. My heart’s need is to trust God. I will ‘be anxious for nothing’ ” (Phil. 4:6).
When we envy what another person has or does, we can reinforce the truth: “Envy does not meet my needs at this time—or ever. My need is to give thanks to God. His Word says, ‘Envy is rottenness to the bones’ (Prov. 14:30), and ‘In everything give thanks’ ” (1 Thess. 5:18).
We can’t renew our minds by ourselves (Rom. 12:2); it’s the transforming work of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. Yet speaking the truth in our thoughts can help us to submit to the Spirit’s work within. 
For Further Thought
What are some areas you struggle within your heart?
Ask God to renew your mind that it might think like His.
Then keep reminding yourself of the truth. 
The Spirit of God renews our minds
when we review the Word of God.

Monera Cabiguin

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fast for Financial breakthrough

Debt. Unpaid bills. Not enough money to give or save. If you're struggling with financial problems, you may feel overwhelmed. Maybe you've prayed for God's help, but haven't yet experienced solutions.

Adding fasting to your prayers can bring about breakthroughs in even the toughest situations. As you fast, God can change your perspective to more clearly reveal His plan for your finances.

Here are some ways you can fast for a financial breakthrough in your life:

* Consider the different types of fasts. Think about which type of fast you would like to undertake, such as: giving up one or two meals a day (and praying during those times), giving up meat, giving up all desserts and snacks, consuming only juice, or abstaining from something other than food (such as television). Then think about how long you'd like to fast. Make sure you check with your doctor before fasting for any sustained length of time so you don't endanger your health.

* Make sure your requests are in line with God's will. Ask only for money that God wants you to have. Understand that sometimes it's a greater blessing to receive wisdom that you can apply to your financial decisions than to suddenly receive a large sum of money. Know that a transformed attitude about money will glorify God more than just winning the lottery. Be open to God's best for you without trying to manipulate Him.

* Reflect on biblical principles while you fast. Study the Scriptures to understand what God has promised about how He will provide for His children.

* Believe that God will answer you.
Know that God looks for faith among people who ask Him to move in their lives. Realize that if you have even just a little bit of faith, God can use it accomplish a huge task.

* Fast and pray with other believers. Ask others to pray with you. Know that there is more power in the prayers of two or more believers who agree about their prayers than simply in one believer praying alone.

* Continue fasting and praying until you receive an answer. Realize that your answer may take time to come. Trust in God's timing and ask Him to help you be patient as you wait. Be persistent, knowing that God is pleased when you stay in regular communication with Him.

* Ask God to remove barriers of sin in your life. Use your fasting time to reexamine your relationship with God. Ask God to reveal any hidden sin in your life that is obstructing your relationship with Him. Then when He does, confess it and ask for His forgiveness so He will begin in hear and answer your prayers.

* Ask God to use your fasting to increase your faith. As you fast, ask God to grow a bigger faith in you that you can apply to all situations in your life (money-related, or not).

* Learn biblical stewardship as you fast. As you control your physical appetite while fasting, ask God to give you discipline to help you control other aspects of your life, as well. Pray specifically for wisdom as it relates to your money problems. Ask God to help you understand why you're in financial trouble and what, if any, unhealthy habits you need to overcome.

* Keep a journal during your fast.
As you fast about your money problems, write down what you're learning about money management. Refer to your journal later to help you make needed changes in how you handle your finances.

* Acknowledge that all your money comes from God. Take the time to thank God for what He has provided for you or enabled you to earn.

* Distinguish between needs and desires. Ask God to teach you the difference between what you need and what you want. Ask God to clarify whether your lack of money is due to poor financial management or His call to a vocation that doesn't pay well. Pray for the strength you need to avoid greed and embrace contentment.

* Prioritize your expenditures. During your fast, ask God to guide you as you rank your budget expenses from highest to lowest. Use your rankings as a guide for deciding how to spend in the future.

* Fast and pray for the strength to avoid temptation. Be aware that Satan will try to tempt you financially in many different ways, such as by drawing you into materialism or distracting you so you direct your resources away from where God wants you to invest them. Ask God to give you the strength you need to always follow where He leads as you manage your money.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

God's Message for Today

We went to Padre Pio's shrine today to attend Sunday mass. I am recovering from a problem which my husband and I recently face and so I ask God to help me discern his message for me. During the homily, the priest mentioned about the word metanoia. The word itself has so many meanings: in thelogy it means repentance, in rhetoric it means correction and in psychology it means healing. I knew right there and then that all these meanings are directed to me.
I had asked the Lord for his message to me, what he wants me to do with my situation and its pretty clear to me that I need to repent and forgive myself and not be disappointed with the decision I made. I need to correct the ill feelings I had been carrying since that day happened and I have to ask and seek the Lord to heal and cleanse me.
This incident also made me realize of the things I have which I know I have taken for granted--my family. I have to find happiness in the small things I have and learn to cherish the. I need to re-assess my motivation of why I want to work abroad--is it really because I want to gain experience or is it because of my pride as I want to prove myself to other people? We both have stable jobs and a well-off life but why did I not see this and I yearned for more?
It dawned on me, I never asked help from God. I forgot to pray at night and I never went to mass when life was easy for me. I think God gave this bend on my road to let me know that I still need Him, that HE is still God.
Now, I will live my life one day at a time, with each day showing appreciation to the Lord and his blessings-big or small. I will try everyday to reform and be contented. I swear to always say my prayers in the morning and at night and for thank him for everything-be a blessing or a problem. I also promise to attend Sunday masses from now on.
I thank PAdre Pio for interceding for me, for bringing me God's message.
Truly, God in his own time, will answer our heart's desire.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Padre Pio's Feast Day

Pray. Hope and don't worry.

Today is the feast day of my beloved Saint- Saint Pio of Petrelcina.
Schedule of Masses for St. Pio's Feast Day

His Eminence, Ricardo Cardinal Vidal will not be celebrating Mass on the 23rd due to health reasons. Below is the updated list of Mass celebrants:
10:00 AM - Rev. Fr. Victor Emmanuel Clemen
12:15 PM - Bishop Raul Martirez
5:00 PM - Bishop Teodoro "Ted" Bacani
7:00 PM - Rev. Fr. Daniel Allan Samonte

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prayer of Healing (Mind, Body & Spirit)

Pray this prayer with faith and trust in your heart.  If you are praying over someone, add the name of the person.)

Dear Lord, I know that there is no sickness You cannot heal.  You know all things, You can do all things and I know You love me very much.  With faith in Your promise that whatever we ask in prayer, You will grant us if it will be good for our soul.  I come before You to ask for the healing of my body, mind, emotions and spirit.  Touch me now where I am hurting most.  Only You know what kind of healing I need most right now.  Let the grace of Your divine love flow and spread to the different parts of my body reaching the inner recesses of my being.  Comfort me in my pain and anguish.  Correct any malfunctioning of my body organs.  Melt with Your healing love any abnormal growths.  Arrest all further spreading of all sick cells and replace them with healthy cells.  Root out all unresolved hurts, resentments, fears and feelings of despair and frustration.  Heal all painful memories and repercussions of traumatic experiences.  Grant me the grace to accept this trial and suffering as a share in Your own sufferings and offer this for the salvation of my soul and those of my family and loved ones.  Forgive me for all my sins and fill me with Your love, peace, joy, kindness and generosity.  Let me realize the deeper meaning of my sickness and trial and lead me closer to You as I find comfort in Your loving heart.  Let me find joy and peace amidst my suffering, and with eyes of faith, see the blessing and victory that await me.  And then, dear Father, after I have been healed, may I be a witness of Your healing power and bring glory, honor and praise to You.  This I pray in Jesus’ name through Mary and all the saints.  Amen.

Prayer for Cleansing

Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior by the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray that the cleansing power of the precious Blood of Your Son come upon us right now.  Purify us and wash us clean with the Blood of Jesus from the top of our head down to the very soles of our feet.  Let this Blood penetrate the very marrow of our bones to cleanse us from any entanglement from whatever spirit we have come in contact with during the course of our intercession.  Anoint us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and refresh our body, soul and spirit.  And may the sign of Your Holy Cross drive away all evil spirits from us.  (Make the sign of the cross.)  In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Bible Verse About Crying

John 14:1-31

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” ...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Prayer for Emotional Healing

I came across this prayer when I experienced a bend on our road. These were the times when I felt completely helpless, times when the pain was too much to contain.


Loving Father, 
I come before You with faith 
in Your promise 
that whatever I ask for in Your name 
You will grant to me if it is for the good 
of my soul and in accordance 
with Your Divine Will.

I come trusting in Your great love for me 
and believing that only You 
know what is best for me.
I come to You now to ask 
that You enter my heart 
and heal all my wounded emotions.

You know me better than I know myself.
Bring Your healing love 
into every corner of my heart 
and release all the buried 
negative emotions inside 
that have not been resolved 
and continue to cause 
me pain and anguish.

Remove all unhealed hurts 
and painful memories 
that block the flow of Your graces, 
robbing me of Your peace, love and joy.

Heal all feelings of sadness, loneliness, 
fear and anxiety.
Heal all guilt, despair, 
feelings of betrayal and rejection.
Heal all feelings of anger, hatred, 
resentment and bitterness.

Bring Your healing love to all my emotions 
that have caused me feelings 
of hopelessness, discouragement, 
helplessness and despair.

Grant me the grace to forgive all those 
who caused these negative 
emotions and likewise to be forgiven 
by those to whom I have done the same harm.

O Lord, give me a repentant heart, 
forgive me for my sins 
and failures, and be merciful to me.
Help me to realize the blessings 
that resulted from each painful experience 
and how this has led me closer to You.

As You release from me 
all these painful emotions, 
fill all empty spaces 
with Your love, Your peace, Your joy 
and the powerful presence 
of Your Holy Spirit.
After I have been healed, 
may my life be a witness 
to Your power and glory 
and may I reach out to others, too.

All these I pray in Jesus’ name 
through Mary and all the angels 
and saints. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

When the Hour of Trial Is Darkest

When serving the Lord and you lose your way,
Just hold out your hand and let Jesus lead;
He’ll come to your aid, and you’ll hear Him say,

I’ll show you the way and meet every need.
God's dawn of deliverance often comes
when the hour of trial is darkest.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Prayer of Today for Tomorrow

Eternal Father, today, while I am fully conscious, totally lucid and completely free, 
I offer You my life with all its mysteries and sufferings.

Indeed, Eternal Father, I offer You my life as an ultimate act of love, 
as an act of infinite gratitude, as an act of faith in Your mercy.

My God and Father, accept this prayer I am making to You now
 for the day when You will call me back to you.

If I am conscious  at the final moment of my life, if anguish and doubt assail me, 
if medication prevents me from thinking of You, 
I want my last heartbeat to be an act of perfect love,
telling You with Jesus,
"Into Your hands, I commend my spirit".


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Online Angel

There's a bend on the road I am taking and along my journey, God sent me an angel. I have met her through my mother-in-law but never had the chance to really get to know her. I would just see her name in my email inbox as she is fond of sending inspirational messages, some of which I never had the chance to appreciate until I came across a bend on the road. Her inspirational messages accompanied me through my trying times and I learned to appreciate the inspiring thoughts and the biblical passages she would often send. I also learned to reply to her messages and let her know how I appreciate her presence and help...God sent me an angel Ms. Monera Cabuguin...thank you so much maám and I hope to meet you and thank you in person.

Monday, September 12, 2011

God Will Meet Your Needs...

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.
God will meet your needs!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

When God permits suffering, He also provides comfort.

In all losses, we can turn to the true Shepherd, Jesus Christ, who alone can heal our brokenness and grief. 
We have a Friend who’ll never leave,
Who’s closer than a brother;
He’s there to meet our deepest needs,
To comfort like no other.
When God permits suffering, He also provides comfort.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thank you Padre Pio

I am just on my sixth day with the St.Pio novena and i can already see and feel the loving intercession of Padre Pio.Thank you Lord,thank you Mama Mary, thank you Padre Pio.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Prayer to St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Prayer to St. Pio of Pietrelcina

O God, you gave Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, Capuchin priest, the great privilege of participating in a unique way in the passion of Your Son; grant me through his intercession the grace of....
which I ardently desire; and above all grant me the grace of living in conformity with the death of Jesus, to arrive at the glory of the resurrection.
Glory be to the father...(3 times)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Padre Pio's Reassuring Words

Pray, Hope and Don't Worry...

This is what I kept saying to myself each time trials knock on my door.

Prayers are our connection to God. Prayers remind us that we are humans...we are just humans and that we need to communicate and connect with our creator.
To keep hope within our hearts no matter how difficult life maybe is the only thing we can give to ourselves.
Don't Worry.
The most reassuring word...reassuring in the sense that let us not worry, we have a merciful GOD.

Monday, September 5, 2011

My Devotions to St. Pio Chapel

I first heard about Padre Pio at sometime in 2009 when my grand mother was sick but I never got the chance to visit the chapel. I have read numerous testimonials about the powerful intercession of St. Pio including that of tv personalities Christine Bersola and Julius Babao.
I encouraged my husband that we should visit the place and we were able for the first time in May 2010. That was the beginning of my devotions to Padre Pio.
The chapel is right at the middle of the the buzzling city of Libis in Quezon City but anyone who has gone to the shrine would attest the solemnity and peacefulness of the surroundings. The facade of the chapel was inspired by the chapel of the Church of Our Lady of Grace in San Rotondo, Italy and it is surrounded by lush trees, a prayer garden and an aviary.
Every time I'm at the middle of an emotional battle, I always seek refuge in St. Pio's shrine as it is really a place of solace and meditation.
In return for the graces that St. Pio has been giving me that I decided to put up this blog so anyone who needs spiritual guidance and intercession would be blessed just as Padre Pio is continually blessing and guiding me.